How to Develop a FemTech App? Step-By-Step Process and Costs for Businesses

Dileep Gupta April 18, 2024
Femtech app development

The rise of digital health solutions has catalyzed a shift in how women engage with their well-being, fostering a culture of proactive self-care and informed decision-making. FemTech apps emerge as indispensable tools for promoting holistic wellness in the form of menstrual health tracking, disease management, pregnancy tracking, etc.

Entrepreneurs and investors recognize the immense market potential of FemTech, which is driving further investment and innovation in this burgeoning sector. As per Statista, in 2020, the worldwide market for FemTech products and services reached a staggering valuation of approximately $40.2 billion. Projections suggest that by 2025, this figure is expected to surpass $75 billion, indicating a significant upward trajectory in the demand and adoption of FemTech solutions globally.

The Rise of FemTech Products & Services

As the landscape of women’s healthcare tech continues to evolve, female tech-based app development stands poised to revolutionize healthcare delivery and redefine the standard of care for women worldwide.

This blog is your ultimate guide to understanding different aspects of FemTech app development, especially the step-by-step process, types, features, and costs involved.

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However, before we move towards the step-by-step process of developing a FemTech app, let’s first quickly look into the various types of such applications and their real-life use cases.

Types of FemTech Apps Businesses Can Consider Developing

Cultivating profitability in today’s dynamic market requires harnessing the power of innovative technology. Let’s delve into significant FemTech Apps, enabling businesses to enhance profitability by streamlining women’s healthcare.

Menstrual Cycle Trackers: These apps help women monitor their menstrual cycles, predict ovulation and fertility, and provide insights into hormonal changes and symptoms throughout the month.

Pregnancy and Fertility Apps: Designed for women trying to conceive or those already pregnant, these apps offer tools for tracking fertility, managing prenatal care, monitoring fetal development, and providing educational resources for expecting mothers.

Also Read: How to build a pregnancy tracking app like Ovia?

Pelvic Floor Training Apps: Pelvic floor training apps assist women in strengthening their pelvic floor muscles, aiding in preventing and managing pelvic floor disorders such as urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.

Wellness and Fitness Apps: Wellness and fitness apps offer workout routines, nutrition plans, meditation sessions, and health-tracking features to help women achieve their health and fitness goals.

Breast Health Monitoring Apps: The women health tracking app development empowers women to perform regular breast self-examinations and track changes in breast tissue. It also receives reminders for clinical breast exams and mammograms and access to educational resources on breast health and cancer prevention.

Menopause Management Apps: Menopause management apps provide support and resources for women navigating the menopausal transition, offering symptom tracking and personalized advice. It also aids in hormone therapy guidance and lifestyle recommendations to alleviate menopausal symptoms and improve quality of life.

Birth Control Apps: These apps help women track their menstrual cycles, monitor fertility, and manage birth control methods, providing personalized insights and reminders for contraceptive use.

Cancer Diagnosis Apps: Cancer diagnosis apps offer symptom tracking, risk assessment tools, and access to educational resources and support networks for individuals affected by cancer.

Mothers’ Community Apps: These apps create virtual communities for mothers to connect, share experiences, and access support and advice on topics, such as pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and parenting.

Sexual Wellness Apps: By promoting sexual health and well-being, sexual wellness apps offer information on sexual education, contraception methods, STI prevention, sexual pleasure, and intimacy enhancement, fostering open communication and empowerment around sexual health topics.

While these are some major types of FemTech apps, now let’s take a look at some real examples of such applications.

Real-World Examples of FemTech Apps

Let’s explore how businesses are harnessing FemTech apps to offer personalized services, gain insights into women’s health patterns, and enhance customer engagement and loyalty.

Flo: Flo is a popular menstrual tracking app that helps users monitor their menstrual cycles, track symptoms, predict ovulation, and manage overall reproductive health. It offers personalized insights and health tips based on the user’s data.

Clue: Clue is another menstrual tracking app that allows users to track their periods, symptoms, moods, and sexual activity. It provides accurate predictions for the start of the next menstrual cycle and offers educational content on various aspects of women’s health.

Peloton: While Peloton is primarily known for its fitness equipment and online workouts, it also offers a range of classes specifically designed for women’s health, including prenatal and postnatal workouts, strength training for pregnancy, and pelvic floor exercises.

MyFitnessPal: MyFitnessPal is a comprehensive health and fitness app that allows users to track their diet, exercise, and weight loss goals. It offers a range of benefits for women’s health, including calorie tracking, meal planning, and nutritional analysis.

Glow: Glow offers fertility tracking, period prediction, and ovulation monitoring features, along with community support and expert advice. The app aims to help women understand their menstrual cycles, optimize fertility, and achieve their reproductive goals.

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Unveiling the FemTech App Development Process

After delving into the real-world examples of FemTech and its utilization of technological advancements, let’s progress towards a comprehensive, step-by-step guide for building a FemTech app, ensuring a seamless journey from conceptualization to deployment.

Development Process for Women's Health Apps

Market Research

Conduct thorough market research to understand your target audience’s needs, preferences, and challenges. Identify existing competitors and analyze their strengths and weaknesses.

Define Objectives and Features

Clearly define the objectives of your FemTech app and the features it will offer. Consider including features, such as menstrual tracking, fertility monitoring, health education resources, telemedicine services, and community support forums.

Design User Interface

Create a user-friendly and intuitive interface that appeals to your target audience. Consider the user experience (UX) and ensure that navigation is seamless and intuitive.

Choose Technology Stack

Select the appropriate technologies and frameworks for developing your app. Consider factors such as scalability, security, and compatibility with different devices and operating systems.

Develop Backend

Build the backend infrastructure of your app to handle data storage, user authentication, and communication with external APIs or services. Ensure robust security measures are in place to protect sensitive user data.

Develop Frontend

Develop the frontend of your app, including the user interface design and functionality. Implement features such as data visualization, interactive charts, and personalized recommendations.

Integrate Features

Integrate the planned features into your app, ensuring seamless functionality and performance. Test each feature thoroughly to identify and fix any bugs or issues.

Regulatory Compliance

Ensure compliance with relevant regulations such as HIPAA and GDPR, if handling sensitive health data. Implement appropriate measures to protect user privacy and comply with data protection laws.


Conduct comprehensive testing of your app to ensure it functions correctly across different devices, screen sizes, and operating systems. Test for usability, performance, security, and compatibility.


Prepare for the launch of your FemTech app by creating marketing materials, generating buzz through social media and press releases, and reaching out to potential users and partners.

Post-Launch Support

Provide ongoing support and maintenance for your app, including bug fixes, updates, and new feature releases. Collect user feedback and incorporate it into future iterations of your app to continuously improve the user experience.

Essential Features to Integrate during FemTech App Development

Let’s explore some valuable key features while developing FemTech apps. Each feature has its significance, contributing to creating a comprehensive solution tailored to women’s diverse needs in managing their overall well-being and health.

Key Features For FemTech App

Health Tracking

Health tracking features are immensely valuable, empowering users to monitor their wellness journey, track progress, and make informed decisions for improved health outcomes.

Menstrual Tracking

This feature provides in-depth monitoring of menstrual cycles, including period start and end dates, flow intensity, and associated symptoms.

Period Apps

Telemedicine Services

This feature integrates telemedicine capabilities, enabling users to seek medical advice and guidance conveniently through remote consultations with healthcare professionals.

Symptom Management

The app includes features to track and manage symptoms related to reproductive health conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis, or menopause.

Symptom Management

Educational Resources

Access to educational materials and resources covering various aspects of women’s health, including articles, videos, and expert advice.

Community Support

Incorporation of community features like forums or social networking tools, facilitating user interaction, experience sharing, and peer support.

Fertility Tracking

This feature encompasses tools for predicting fertile windows, monitoring ovulation, and assisting in family planning or conception efforts.

Integration with Wearable Devices

This feature ensures compatibility with wearable gadgets like smartwatches or fitness trackers to synchronize data seamlessly and enhance tracking accuracy.

Medication Reminders

This feature offers the functionality to set medication reminders and monitor medication usage, proving particularly beneficial for users managing birth control or hormone therapy.

Medication Reminders

Security and Privacy

This feature safeguards user data and ensures compliance with data protection regulations such as GDPR by implementing robust security measures.

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How Much Does It Cost to Develop a FemTech App?

Custom FemTech app development costs can range from $30,000 to $250,000+ on average. The total budget may fluctuate considerably depending on various factors, including the specific nature of the app, its complexity, featured functionalities, preferred platforms (iOS, Android, or both), design intricacies, and the proficiency level of the development team.


App Complexity LevelFeaturesCost EstimationDuration
BasicMenstrual Tracking, Health Tips, Daily Reminders$30,000 – $60,0002 to 4 months
IntermediateFertility Tracking, Ovulation Prediction, Cycle Analysis$60,000 – $100,0004 to 6 months
AdvancedTelemedicine Consultations, Health Report Generation, Medication Reminders$100,000 – $150,0006 to 12 months
PremiumAI-Powered Health Insights, Personalized Coaching, Mental Health Support$150,000 – $250,000+12+ months


Key Factors Influencing FemTech App Development Cost

There are some significant factors that play a valuable role in shaping the cost of FemTech software development. As we delve deeper into understanding these key determinants, we uncover their revolutionary impact on businesses across diverse sectors.

Factors Influencing FemTech App Development Costs

App Type Complexity

The choice of different app types and the intricacy and breadth of features within the FemTech application, whether it focuses on menstrual tracking, breastfeeding, or advanced telemedicine services, significantly impact development costs. Let’s comprehend!

Period Tracking App: Development costs can rise when incorporating cycle prediction, symptom tracking, and fertility insights into a Period Tracking App, given the complexity of algorithms and user interface demands.

Trainer App: Costs can increase for a Trainer App with features like real-time exercise guidance, personalized coaching, and integration with wearable devices, requiring sophisticated algorithms, UI/UX design, and backend infrastructure.

Breastfeeding App: Development expenses may escalate for a Breastfeeding App with features such as feeding logs, lactation tips, and baby growth tracking, necessitating comprehensive UI/UX design, data analytics, and backend infrastructure.

Feminine Hygiene App: For a feminine Hygiene App, costs can rise due to features like personalized product recommendations, educational content, and secure e-commerce platforms, requiring complex database management, API integrations, and adherence to privacy regulations.

Online Consultation App: An Online Consultation App’s costs may increase with features like telemedicine consultations, prescription management, and health record tracking, demanding robust security measures, regulatory compliance, and seamless user experience design.

UI/UX Strategy Investment

Thoughtful investment in UI/UX design is paramount for FemTech software development, as it directly impacts user satisfaction and engagement. Allocating resources strategically in this area enhances the app’s appeal and contributes to long-term success.

Platform Choice

The choice of app deployment platform, whether iOS, Android, or both has a substantial impact on development costs. Factors such as platform-specific features, market share, and target audience preferences further influence the cost considerations. Each platform comes with its own set of requirements, necessitating additional resources for coding, testing, and ongoing maintenance, thus affecting overall budget allocation.

Team Composition

The size and expertise of the development team are crucial factors in custom FemTech app development. While larger teams with diverse skill sets may accelerate development timelines, they also entail higher costs. Finding the right balance in team composition is essential to ensure efficient project execution while managing budget constraints effectively.

App Development TeamHourly Rates (Approx)
Project Manager$25 to $30
Tech Lead (Backend / Frontend)$28 to $30
Sr. Mobile App Developer$24 to $30
Sr. Web & Backend Developer$24 to $30
DevOps$25 to $30
Business Analyst$20 to $25
UX/UI$20 to $25
QA$20 to $25

Development Team Location

The proficiency of the development team, combined with their geographical location, significantly influences costs, with experienced developers and certain regions potentially leading to higher rates.

RegionHourly Rates of Development
UAE$60 to $65
US$95 to $100
Western Europe$80 to $90
Australia$70 to $90
Eastern Europe$50 to $55
Asia$25 to $40

Testing and Quality Assurance Protocols

Implementing thorough testing and quality assurance procedures is essential for FemTech software development to ensure functionality, security, and compliance, potentially increasing development expenses but mitigating post-launch risks.

Integration of Technological Advancements

Tech stack use in femtech app development like AI or blockchain can enhance app functionality but often demands specialized expertise and additional resources, impacting overall budget allocation.

GDPR Compliance Impact

Ensuring adherence to data protection regulations requires additional measures like data encryption and robust security protocols, affecting overall development expenses.

Having delved into the key cost factors of FemTech app development, let’s now turn our attention to compelling monetization strategies, empowering businesses to harness profitability.

Result-driven Monetization Strategies for FemTech Apps

Here are several ways businesses generate revenue by leading innovation and enhancing customer experiences through app development.

Successful Monetization Approaches for FemTech Applications

Telemedicine Services

Integrating telemedicine or virtual consultation services within the app and charging users for appointments with healthcare professionals generates revenue directly from user consultations, creating a sustainable income stream.

Subscription Models

Offer subscription-based access to premium features, content, or services within the app. This recurring revenue stream helps businesses generate consistent income and build long-term relationships with subscribers.

In-App Purchases

Provide users with the option to purchase additional features, content, or virtual goods within the app, contributing to incremental revenue growth for the business.

Freemium Model

Offering a basic version of the app for free with limited features and providing the option to upgrade to a premium version generates revenue through premium upgrades, ensuring a steady income stream for the business.

Sponsored Content or Partnerships

Collaborating with relevant brands or influencers to create sponsored content or promotional campaigns within the app generates revenue through sponsored placements or endorsements, providing an additional revenue stream for the business.

Empowering FemTech Innovation: Appinventiv’s Development Expertise

Appinventiv is committed to fueling innovation in the FemTech sector. Leveraging our extensive expertise in women healthcare software development, we empower FemTech startups and enterprises to realize their groundbreaking ideas. Understanding the unique dynamics of FemTech, we collaborate closely with our clients to craft advanced solutions that redefine women’s health and wellness.

From designing intuitive interfaces to building robust backend systems, we customize every aspect of the development process for scalability, security, and exceptional user experiences.

Get in touch with us to create innovative apps that boost engagement and elevate user experiences.


Q. What are the notable shifts in the market trend of women health apps?

A. The prominent market trend of women’s health apps includes a growing emphasis on personalized wellness solutions, such as menstrual tracking, fertility monitoring, and pregnancy care. Additionally, there’s a rising demand for comprehensive health management platforms catering to various stages of a woman’s life, from adolescence to menopause.

Q. How much does it cost to develop a FemTech App?

A. FemTech app development costs can vary depending on various factors such as the complexity of features, design requirements, platform preferences, development team expertise, and more. On average, the development cost can range from $30,000 to $250, 000 or more.

Q. What are the regulatory requirements for FemTech App?

A. Regulatory requirements for FemTech apps may vary depending on factors such as the app’s intended use, target market, and the type of data it collects or processes. However, some common regulatory considerations for FemTech software development include compliance with data protection laws such as GDPR or HIPAA, if handling sensitive health data.

Additionally, adherence to medical device regulations, if the app provides diagnostic or therapeutic functionalities, and ensuring transparency and accuracy in health-related information provided to users.

Q. What are the benefits of women’s health apps?

A. The benefits of women’s health apps include personalized health tracking, which empowers users to conveniently monitor menstrual cycles, fertility, and overall wellness. With features such as symptom tracking, educational resources, and telemedicine options, these apps support proactive health management and informed decision-making.

By leveraging the growing market size of women’s health apps, businesses can access untapped opportunities in personalized healthcare, enhance user engagement, and contribute positively to women’s wellness.

Dileep Gupta
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