Job Search Mobile App for Job Seekers | JobGet | Appinventiv
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How we helped JobGet bag $52 million funding,
making it no.1 recruitment app for blue-collar workers
Industry Recruitment
Services Conceptualization, Design,
Development, and Deployment
Business Type Startup
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Jobget job search app


JobGet is a marketplace where job seekers and employers message each other, schedule meetings, and have in-app video interviews all in semi real-time. The platform is looking to transform the employment landscape for both hourly employers and full-time professionals, making it efficient, accessible,and instant.

How Did We Bring Down
the Job Fulfillment Period
to 3 Days?

According to research conducted by Deloitte and Manufacturing Institute, the number of days it takes to fill an open position in a skilled blue-collar job is somewhere between 70 to 93 days. There are a number of contributors that make it difficult for businesses to find hourly employees - lack of skills-based training, the rise of automation, unreliable hiring process, etc. But the one crucial reason is a lack of platforms.
The number of active platforms looking into the employment needs of hourly workers are next to nothing. However, even in this grim situation on the supply side, the demand for hourly workers is at an all-time high.
The present situation of the job market demanded a solution that would bridge the gap, effectively.

Our Process

Appinventiv process
Billy Lan CTO and Co-founder Jobget
Billy Lan
CTO and Co-founder, JobGet

We were looking for an agency that would understand the direness of the hourly worker job search cycle situation when we came across Appinventiv. What we liked about the team is how they did not just understand what we were looking for but also gave us ideas on how we could make the process more efficient and simplified for the jobseekers through their empathy mapping skillset.

Our Project Challenges


Bring down the job search process from months to days

We made the users’ profiles resume-like to save employers the time it takes to download and read into multiple resumes. These minimalism-guided features added with the facility of having in-app interviews played a massive role in bringing the job search process timeline down.


Make the job search process convenient for seekers with uncertain work schedules

We integrated the functionality of finding employers and employees on the basis of location. This way, employees would be able to connect with employers who are near their vicinity, thus eliminating the excess travel time.

Project challenges

Our Development Process

Making the Hourly Workers’ Employment Landscape Accessible, Instant, and Efficient
We kicked off the project with a Product Discovery Workshop where our cross-functional team spent 5 days understanding the client’s vision of the product and the features that would help transform the objective.
The understanding that we drew from the design sprint session helped us create a product that brought the entire recruitment process - finding prospective employees/ employers, chatting with them, and conducting a video-call interview - on mobile. Additionally, to make the jobseeking process time-friendly, we used an AI matching technology that would make the job-seeking process locations specific. Our team created a provision of connecting hourly job-seekers with nearby businesses (using GPS integration) looking to hire them.

The Results

The job search time through the app was reduced from days to minutes. JobGet is also honored with "MIT Inclusive innovation award" and "Gold award from Mass Challenge". While we helped JobGet bag a seed funding of $2.1 million initially, the app now leads its category in monthly downloads, active users, and user satisfaction, raising $52 million series B funding.

$52 Million Series B Funding Received
2 Million+ Mobile App Downloads
50,000+ Active Companies on the Platform
150,000+ Jobseekers Placed

Appinventiv helped JobGet bag $52 million
series B funding for their out of the box idea.

Discuss your idea with us and start your entrepreneurial journey today!

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